PLATFORM | Ordonez for Assembly
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Our Platform

Maria is running to fight for our community. It's time that we have an Assemblymember that will stand up for the people.

This is our vision to fight for Harlem's future!

Housing Justice

Housing is a human right. We need to put New Yorkers above developers and profit because everyone deserves a dignified, safe place to call home.


Healthcare for All

Everyone, no matter who they are, deserves access to healthcare. I will fight to pass the NY Health Act to address the inequity in our current healthcare system. Whether it’s the mental health crisis, the rise in homelessness, or high asthma rates, our communities need healthcare now!


Education Equity

Public education is extremely vital for our children and high-quality education is, more than ever, necessary in our underfunded working class communities of color.


Queer Liberation

We must stand together with our LGBTQ+ community as their rights are under attack in this country. Everyone deserves to live where they are safe, healthy, and can thrive.


Climate Justice

We are facing a climate crisis and we must act now to protect the most vulnerable, disadvantaged, and impacted by climate change. Climate justice must be at the forefront of our legislation to ensure that we have a more just, sustainable, and equitable future for all New Yorkers.


Economic Justice

It’s time for the rich to pay their fair share. We need to invest in our Black & Brown communities, to ensure everyone has a livable wage, and to guarantee access to safe & affordable housing.


Immigration Justice

Immigrants are an integral part of our community. We need to ensure that all immigrant New Yorkers are able to live safely without the fear of deportation or discrimination. Our neighbors deserve to have access to all vital services and resources.


Our Seniors

Nobody should have to worry about housing or healthcare as they age. We must expand healthcare benefits, support union retirees, and invest in the homecare workforce.


Justice & Safety

We must end the criminalization of our communities, end mass incarceration, demand police accountability, and invest in our communities.


Animal Rights

As the parent of two dogs, I believe that all living creatures deserve rights, protection, and justice. We must advocate for and institute legislation that will ensure legal rights, protections, and safety for all animals.


Disability Justice

New York must be accessible to all. Our fellow New Yorkers with disabilities, both visible and invisible, must be prioritized as we imagine our transportation, jobs, education, and voting systems, so that all New Yorkers can access all that our state has to offer.


Invest in Harlem

Harlem is a diverse neighborhood with a wealth of history, culture, and activism. We must invest to preserve our communities and uplift Harlemites. We’re fighting for a United Harlem!


Transportation for All

Public transportation must be free and accessible to all New Yorkers. We need safe streets for cyclists and pedestrians and we must invest in more efficient trains and buses.


Small Businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of Harlem. We have to create pathways for minority and women-owned businesses to succeed and we must protect them from corporate monopolies.


Workers' Rights

Every worker deserves a union and the protection it can provide. Workers should have the freedom to organize and strike to demand better wages and working conditions. We must protect workers from exploitation and we need a livable minimum wage now.


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We don’t take fossil fuel, real estate, or corporate money. We’re supported by the people, for the people.

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